воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Drama at Vernon High

Book one, Chapter one.��������������������������� Written By: Desirae Murphy

Its always hard moving into a new town, starting a new school. Especialy high schoolhellip;

ldquo;Nicole, hurry up You donrsquo;t want to be late for your first day of ninth graderdquo; Nicolersquo;s mom yells. A wavy haired brunette slowly walks down stairs into the kitchen trying to avoid the still unpacked boxes lying all over the floor. ldquo;Are you exited?rdquo; Her mom asks. ldquo;Irsquo;m nervousrdquo; Nicole replies Wondering how different the schools will be here in Florida from Washington. ldquo;Well Irsquo;m sure you will make lots of new friends.rdquo;

Nicole boards the bus and looks for the first empty seat she can find and sits down. The bus stops for the next group of people to get on. She hears a voice asking ldquo;can I sit hear with you?rdquo; Nicole looks up, noticing a very pretty girl looking down at her. ldquo;surerdquo; Nicole replies. The first thing she notices about the girl was her hair. Black, Short in the back with long side swiped bangs and purple highlights. Also her cloths. Black skinny jeans, band T-shirt, the band Tokio Hotel was on it. And Converse shoes. I guess she would be what you would call ldquo;scenerdquo; or ldquo;emordquo;.

She asked Nicole what her name was. She replied ldquo;Nicole, and yours?rdquo; ldquo;Jessicahellip;are you new here in Vernon?rdquo; ldquo;Yes.rdquo; Nicole replied. Jessica says ldquo; nice to meet you, when we get to the school, I will show you aroundrdquo; Nicole canrsquo;t believe how nice Jessica was. Nicole thinks.. Maybe everyone at Vernon high school is this nicehellip;

Oh how she is wrong..

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

drinking game for couple

What I donapos;t understand is how I could possibly piss people off without saying one word to them. Apparently I have that problem..?
No matter what I�do, someones always mad at me. I�canapos;t please the fucking world.�Its like last month all over again.

One person�thinks I�donapos;t give her enough attention, donapos;t include her in conversations/plans, etc.

and now my, apos;best friendapos; if I�could even call her that anymore, tells me that I ignore her for the first person + others.
Seriously? how the hell am i expected to give you the attention you apparently need when you push me out, pout, donapos;t say one word and always sit as far away from us as possible. Its like you test me daily to see if Iapos;ll move from where Iapos;m sitting to come see you. Like fuck.

Like shit eh? fml...? kay. Like, I�donapos;t even know what to do anymore. It sounds slightly conceided but in a way, it feels like people are trying to like keep me all to themselves? I donapos;t really know, but thats what its coming off as...

Kill me now :)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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i finally went to the movies with him.
i wasnt nervous at all.
ive been stressed for the whole week et quand �a �t� le temps, i wasnt stressed anymore.
how weird, huh?
ive waited for him there, cause he was on his bike, he didnt have a lift.
and we were supposed to watch Burn after Reading, but we watched Eagle Eye.
so, the movie was okay.
and after, he asked me: do you want a coffee?
so, i said: yes, ouf course.
so, he bought us two coffees.
then, we sat outside and just talked for like an hour.
and, ahh lala.
it was nice.
it wasnt awkward.
well, not for me.
and then i had to call my lift.
et mes soeurs sont venues me chercher.
and i gave him a hug and went away.
thats it.
poor him.
he had to come home on his bike and it was so cold outside.
i liked my night. :)

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abhijeet bhattacharya

Itapos;s been a reasonably good week up until my little adventure to Albury to spend Wednesday night with Mick. We spent some real quality time together just sitting around drinking and talking. I was quite surprised when he was talking apos;futureapos; plans and I was included in them. We had plans for this weekend but I donapos;t think they will be happening now, not since his boss rang and said he has to work this week afterall, we were going to go away camping. This is going to be hard trying to plan anything.

I met up with Neils girlfriend for breakfast and we just happened to be served by my ex fianceeapos;s ex wife. She wanted to become best friends asking all sorts of questions and telling me al about his new�life etc, I was quite sarcastic with my responses, I just donapos;t care
It was really funny considering the woman hated me when�I lived over there. After breakfast�I thought I would duck off to grab some things at Aldiapos;s and even went out of my way over to the Wodonga store, thinking it would be safer but noooooooooooo lo and behold I come through the register and there he is standing face to face�with me.

I was a good girl and just kept walking, wasnapos;t about to let him ruin the night I had before.
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fats french fries

Hey ,
How is everyone doing? dunno if I should try and sleep Iapos;m bored but I know I wont sleep even if�I go to bed. Bah�
I just wrote out a bunch of goals in my journal.
I want to get started on them now but it is too late to really do anything and everyong I know is either studying or writing and Iapos;m done for the night so Iapos;m stuck entertaining myself :(
What motivates you to do your school work? I think Iapos;m in need of some motivation.
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Okay, first thingapos;s first: My date.

It went absolutely flawlessly. The best hugs of my life. We hit it off right in the beginning, so I canapos;t be more happy that this is working. I was so comfortable talking to him, it was so effortless. I never had to search for something to pick up a conversation, everything was so fluid.

I canapos;t wait for the next time I see you, and kiss you.


I started my new job yesterday, and at first I was intimidated. Iapos;d never used a DSLR before, and my coworkers made it seem so easy and quick. I felt clumsy when it took me a minute to zoom and focus properly. I got some decent shots here and there, but otherwise (and letapos;s face it) I sucked. Today went a lot better. I did all my own shooting while whoever I was shadowing posed the customers. Every shot I took was perfect. Everyone was so happy with what Iapos;d done, they had a hard time believing it was only my second day. All the staff were telling me how impressed they were with how Iapos;m doing so far, and even went to the extent of telling me that I was way ahead of what theyapos;d expected out of someone with no experience. I couldnapos;t have been happier or more proud. I really think Iapos;ve found my calling and purpose in this life. When my eye is peering down into that glass piece, itapos;s as if nothing else in the world is moving and then *FLASH*, Iapos;ve captured a piece of that amazing, crystal pure majesty on apos;filmapos; (considering weapos;re all shooting digital). Triggering that shutter just feels so natural, and anticipating that precise moment when the subjectapos;s expression just explodes off the TV viewing monitor is so effortless. Tomorrow Iapos;m shadowing one of the more creative staff members when it comes to abstraction, angles, and posing. Iapos;ve seen a lot of her work, and she is incredible. I aspire to one day be that comfortable to ask those things of my subjects. She has the most keen and developed eye Iapos;ve ever encountered, and Iapos;m truely honoured that I get to work with her. I hope she helps me bring out that creativity in me so I can create such wonderful pieces for my clients. This is going to be an amazing experience.


I finally have a plan for my life.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Here in the Windy or Second City as i have heard it been called recently. Not sure what that means, i will find out and get back to you guys on that =)

Its been raining but with family and friends its been a really good time Who knew my cousin Lo is going threw the same drama i am going threw with a certain flyboy (ahem). We didnapos;t know this because we rarely talk to each other but we bonded over "internet dating" last night till 1am. It was nice to share the experience with someone who knows EXCATLY what i am going threw. Her guy is coming out next weekend though...wish i could be here to see that happen but she is going to keep me posted now of course. I have to support her and make sure she doesnapos;t bailout at the last minute. Yeah, i know the irony is all over that one.

Anywho...miss you all but its so nice to be out of Cali I hope my flyboys are doing alright...so close, yet still so far. Text me if you need me.

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