пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

abhijeet bhattacharya

Itapos;s been a reasonably good week up until my little adventure to Albury to spend Wednesday night with Mick. We spent some real quality time together just sitting around drinking and talking. I was quite surprised when he was talking apos;futureapos; plans and I was included in them. We had plans for this weekend but I donapos;t think they will be happening now, not since his boss rang and said he has to work this week afterall, we were going to go away camping. This is going to be hard trying to plan anything.

I met up with Neils girlfriend for breakfast and we just happened to be served by my ex fianceeapos;s ex wife. She wanted to become best friends asking all sorts of questions and telling me al about his new�life etc, I was quite sarcastic with my responses, I just donapos;t care
It was really funny considering the woman hated me when�I lived over there. After breakfast�I thought I would duck off to grab some things at Aldiapos;s and even went out of my way over to the Wodonga store, thinking it would be safer but noooooooooooo lo and behold I come through the register and there he is standing face to face�with me.

I was a good girl and just kept walking, wasnapos;t about to let him ruin the night I had before.
abhijeet bhattacharya, abhijeet banerjee, abhijeet apka sawant, abhijeet album video.

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